Friday, April 30, 2010

roger federer wallpaper

roger federer rafael nadal
roger federer wallpaper
roger federer
roger federer
roger federer wallpaper
roger federer
roger federer wallpaper
roger federer

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

soul mates


We first met when I was 14.

I was crossing the road, and you saw me.

You told your brother to stop the car, right there, in the middle of the road, came down, looked at me, smiled, gave me your card and said "Call me".

I wanted to, but I didn't.

The second time we met, was when I was 15.

I was with my cousins that day, watching the squatter houses getting torn down, and you were there.

You stood on the huge rock, and looked down at me.

I felt someone staring at me, so I turned to look.. and there you were, smiling at me but I looked away.

When I was about to leave, I saw you walking my way, but then the fireman that was there, came over to talk to me just a few seconds before you.. you looked at me, turned and left.

A few months later, we spoke for the very first time.

Yes, I decided to call you and our conversation lasted 2 hours.

We told each other our likes, dislikes, and found out that we had a lot in common.

The next week, I was walking back home, and I saw you on your scooter. With a girl. And you were holding her hand so tightly, it was as though you were never going to let go.

I reached home... sat down.. and all of a sudden...pain rushed through my entire body.. but I didn't cry.. all I could do was think to myself, why does this hurt so much? why did seeing him on his scooter with a girl hurt me so badly? why?

Then I realized.

Even after the first time we met, when you gave me your card, i couldn't stop thinking of you, and that smile of yours.

Did I fall in love? Maybe.

After that day, I saw you with her, everyday and so, I did what was best. I moved on.

5 years went by without thinking of you. I literally managed to block you out of my mind and my life, and life, was going pretty swell for me.

College started, new friends were made, and a loving boyfriend of 3 years was in my life. Life was a bliss.

Semester break came along, and I decided to head home for the month.. and one day, during a walk, I saw you... and you saw me.. you ran across the road and said "Hi!".. all i could do was smile.

Why couldn't I just turn and walk away? It was like my feet were glued to the ground the minute you smiled.

You asked how I was, and I said great.

The next question was "Boyfriend?" I answered "Yes".. you said "Oh" and walked away like you did everytime you heard something you didn't like.

I called out to you and said we can be friends and you smiled and agreed.

We started hanging out a lot. Movies, drinks, surfing, live band shows. You called me up one evening and said to come over to the usual place. i told you I'd be there in 10.

When i arrived, you were up on stage.. That was a normal thing, since you were in a band. You sang Faithfully by Journey and at the end, you said that it was for me.

I froze.

What were you thinking?

what was I thinking?

I had a boyfriend.

Then I snapped back to my reality.

What was happening?

We said we'd be friends. But.. did something happen along the way?

When I woke up that night, I found you next to me. I got out of bed, on to the balcony, and had a cigarette. Shit. I had done something I swore never to do. cheat. Then you came out, and we had a huge argument. the next thing you did, made me blow up.

You called my boyfriend. and told him everything.

He left me. I left you. you sent me a text saying "I hate you", i replied with "Thank you for coming into my life and ruining everything and for making me so blinded that I actually slept with you"

I never heard from you again.

All I could think of after that was what the hell was i thinking? What in the world made me sleep with you? why did I throw away a perfectly good relationship for you? but I didn't put the blame on you. I blamed myself. for being so stupid.

10 years after that day, i'm happily married, with a beautiful daughter, and by the power of facebook, you found me. I accepted your friend request and then while chatting one day, you asked me, what happened to us.

You told me you never forgot me, how my hair smelt after being washed, how I laughed, how I made you happy, how you felt complete when I was next to you.

i told you I never forgot you either. especially your smile.

You said let's run away together. I said no. you're married. I'm married. that's the way it should be.

you said it wasn't.

you said we were soul-mates.

All i said was

"We are soul-mates that weren't meant to end up together. If we had started at the very beginning, we might have been together for a lifetime"

you said maybe in our next lifetime.

i told you that in our next lifetime, when you stop the car in the middle of the road, don't give me your card. just say "Will you be mine".

You agreed but said "I'll just say Will you marry me"

We laughed.

Yes. we are soul-mates, we're not together, but we never forgot one another.

deavid beckham football player

david beckham
david beckham football player
david beckham
david beckham
david beckham
david beckham
david beckham

Monday, April 26, 2010

michael phelps usa swimmer

michael phelps
michael phelps usa swimmer
michael phelps
michael phelps
michael phelps
michael phelps

what is love?


I have been in and out of relationships since I was 15 years old. Whether they lasted a year, a few months, or 3 years I have experienced all different kinds of relationships. My first boyfriend,
cared about me a lot and I could care less about him. My second boyfriend, my first love, the person I lost my virginity too, who cared about me as much as I cared about him but in the end it just didn’t work out. My third boyfriend was my best friend since 5th grade and I was the one that cared a lot more than he did me. After that things start to get blurry. I was with guys for a few months at a time and now I’ve realized that I don’t know the difference between
lust and love. How I feel is different than what makes sense logically. My head and my heart can never seem to come to an agreement. When I ask married women how they knew their husbands were the one, they all come up with the same answer, “You’ll just know, you’ll feel it.” Well thank you for that answer, however it doesn’t do me any good. What does that mean? I find myself thinking about my feelings and my thoughts on love constantly. It consumes 95% of my thoughts and about 50% of my time. It’s something that people have constantly wrote about, talked about, and dreamed about so why is it that no one has the same answer let alone the correct answer? It’s something that people will continue to try to figure out and I just hope that in this lifetime I will experience it and hold on to it forever. I will continue to jump from relationship to relationship trying to figure out what it all means and if anyone has the slightest idea what Love is, True love, if there is such a thing please inform me.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

paula creamer hot golfplayer

paula creamer
paula creamer
paula creamer hot
paula creamer golfplayer
paula creamer

paula creamer
paula creamer
paula creamer hot

Friday, April 23, 2010

amanda beard playboy

amanda beard
amanda beard
amnada beard usa swimer
amanda beard fhm
amanda beard
amanda beard
amanda beard
amanda beard

Thursday, April 22, 2010

i wish


I have known this boy for four years. He's the most incredible, loving person that I've ever met in my life. I love everything about him. We've had so many ups and downs that most of our friends believe that we're completely insane and are inseparable despite harsh words and the rash decisions we make. We broke each others hearts over and over and fell in and out of love with each other. We were together for about two and a half years. We were crazy in love with each other without a doubt. But the twist was, our love was through school. Our relationships were hidden from our families. I'm chinese, he's pakistani.. meaning we could never be together in reality. Everyday that I got to see him out of school, I cherished. He's my first love and I'm his. So what do you do with that, you move on to find your next love, right? No, everything's always going to be complicated in a girls life. Over the years I've learned to love his family even though they hate me. It's hard to believe that's possible considering how many times our relationship has been ruined because they disapprove of me so much. At one point his family hated him because he was with me. I felt terrible everyday but he wouldn't let me go. Of course over the years they came around because we are no longer together. Lately we've been acting like we're together, no PDA because he has a brother in the school. But through our minds and hearts, we're sweet and loving like a couple, and I'm really happy with that. I've fallen for him all over again. A few weeks ago he broke down to me. He didn't know what to do because he loves me and wants to be with me but he can't. I wanted so much to say just be with me.. He's getting an arranged marriage some day. It breaks my heart but I respect that his family traditions will continue. I just need a long time to accept it. Everything between us is over now. I miss him so much. I don't know how to let him go. I wish that they took the time to realize how much I genuinely love their son and arranged for us to get married, i wish.


anna chakvetadze tennis player

anna chakvetadze
anna chakvetadze
anna chakvetadze
anna chakvetadze
anna chakvetadze
anna chakvetadze
anna chakvetadze
anna chakvetadze